
航运动态  2024-08-06 16:30:49  来源:网络  阅读:55



  Application and breakthrough in OOG lashing

  ――Integral stoppers supersede split welding ones

  WIFFA散杂货运输联盟成员香港新丝路船务有限公司自有轮SEA TRAIN,于近日顺利完成在太仓装载5000余吨到美湾的超长超重钢板桩货物,单根长度达66米,直径1.528米,单根重量达155吨,配载位置NO.5+NO.4+NO.3(后半)舱盖,克令吊两侧各堆叠4层,堆高6米。船舶配载和绑扎难度远高于普通件杂货。

  Hong Kong New Silk Road Shipping Co., LTD., be the member of WIFFA , has successfully loaded more than 5,000 tons of ultra-long and overweight steel sheet pile cargos from Taicang to USG recently, with a single length of 66 meters, a diameter of 1.528 meters, and single weight of 155 tons. Loading position NO.5+NO.4+NO.3(rear half) hatch cover, 4 layers on each side of the crane, stacking height of 6 meters. The stowage and lashing is much difficult than normal cargo.

  按照常规绑扎方案,通常采用25B H型钢制作Stopper进行绑扎加固,所有stopper分列管堆两侧,支撑高度略高于底层板桩中心线,舱盖上间距为2米/道,单侧共25道,堆垛内外两侧共50道 。布置如下图:

  As normal lashing schedule, commonly stoopers are welded by 25B H-beam , All stoppers are arranged on both sides of pipes stack,the supporting height is slightly higher than the pipe’s center of gravity , the distance of single unit is 2 meters per side, in total of 25 units stopper per side and 50 units stopper on both sides . The layout is as follows:




  By careful calculation and simulation ,and take advices of the opinions of experts, We made a bold breakthrough and decided to use Q345B steel plate Stopper instead of H-beam stopper. All bottom piles were fixed with independent 4 units plate stoppers in both ends and sides . and 6 units plate stoppers in each middle side of pipe stack. In total of 40 plate stoppers are arranged on each side of the crane, and the arrangement is as follows:




  Now the plate stopper is rarely used in ocean shipping industry, but has the following advantages compared to welding ones:

  1. 安全性更高


  1. Higher security

  First of all,4 units stopper or each single bottom pipe can prevent piles to shift while ship roll due to swell and wind, and avoid the combining impact force of piles stack . In addition, according to the material calculation, the transverse impact creepage resistance of single plate stopper is about 150 tons, while the conventional welded stopper often weakens the strength due to welding quality fluctuations, resulting in safety troubles.

  2. 绑扎方案更经济

  如果采用常规方案人字撑,克令吊两侧板桩共需100件人字撑,单件人字撑3.6米25BH型钢,按 42.03kg/m 计算,单件人字撑151.31kg,本次绑扎共需100*151.3kg=15.13吨H型钢;



  2. plate stoppers are more economical

  If adopt the welded stopper, in total of 100 units are needed on all pipes lashing, and a single welding stopper is assembled of 3.6m 25B H-beams. 42.03kg/m, a single stopper is 151.31kg, and a total of 100*151.3kg=15.13 tons of H-beams are required .

  but for plate stopper, a total of 80 stopper pieces, Q345B material , a single stopper weight of 24.56kg, 80*24.56=1.96 tons required .

  Therefore, the plate stoppers are only needs about 13% steel of welding stopper schedule , meanwhile also greatly reduces the corresponding labor costs, especially the cost of Cut after cargos discharge.

  3. 装载空间利用更充分


  3. Better use of loading space

  In addition, the welding stopper schedule normally needs to about 1 meter of space to fit, can’t load cargo on the space accordingly; The plate stopper schedule does not need to occupy the loading space alone, and to be fitted only in the gap between piles,so can load more cargo than welding stopper arrangement.

  我公司SEA TRAIN轮采用本方案绑扎后,从太仓港出发,横跨太平洋,平均航速13节以上,途中遇横风和涌浪,船舶横摇达20°,所有装运货物均未出现移动,新绑扎方案的安全性和可靠性得到充分验证。目前,船舶已安全通过巴拿马运河。




  Vessel SEA TRAIN started from Taicang Port and crossed Pacific Ocean with an average 13.3 kn speed , inspite of rolled up to 20° due to transverse wind and surge , all cargos never shift. The safety and reliability of plate stopper have been fully verified. Now vessel sea train has safely passed through Panama Canal.

  Safe and efficient, never disappoint trust of customers, always be the development of shipping company. In order to better customer experience,We are always trying to innovate and improve.



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